
There is a link between low dose exposure to pyrethroids and behavioral problems in children

Children exposed to a widely used group of insecticides may be at increased risk for behavioral problems, according to a new study. The insecticides are called pyrethroids. They're used on crops but can also be found in some mosquito repellents and in products used to treat head lice, scabies and fleas, the French research team explained. Like many types of insecticides, pyrethroids work by damaging nerves, and concerns have recently been raised about their possible effects on children who have been exposed.

Chemielobby start offensief tegen WHO-werkgroep glyfosaat

De werkgroep van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) die in maart 2015 concludeerde dat 's werelds meest gebruikte onkruidverdelger glyfosaat ‘waarschijnlijk’ kankerverwekkend is voor mensen, verricht zulk 'misleidend' en slecht werk dat deze drastisch ‘hervormd’ zou moeten worden. Dat is de centrale boodschap van een media-offensief gelanceerd door de American Chemistry Council (ACC), de Amerikaanse frontgroep van chemiebedrijven als Monsanto, Bayer en Dow Chemical. Het gaat om het International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), een in Frankrijk gevestigde afdeling van WHO.

Paraguay: Das Land, in dem Soja tötet

80 Prozent der Ackerfläche in Paraguay ist mit Soja bepflanzt. 1950 hatte Paraguay noch neun Millionen Hektar Waldfläche, 2004 waren es nur noch 1,3 Millionen Hektar. In der Grenzregion zu Brasilien wurde der Regenwald abgeholzt und durch Sojafelder ersetzt. Die Produktion von Soja zerstört den Boden und Pestizide kommen zum Einsatz. Das hat schwerwiegende Folgen auf die Umwelt sowie die Gesundheit der Menschen. Laut Wissenschaftlern erhöhen sich die Magenerkrankungen durch das Einatmen beim Pflanzen der Bohnen, nachdem diese schon behandelt worden seien.

Monsanto Cancer Suits Turn to EPA Deputy's 'Suspicious' Role

A former Environmental Protection Agency official may not be able to escape testifying about his alleged role in helping Monsanto Co. suppress inquiries into whether its Roundup weed killer causes cancer. A manager who left the agency’s pesticide division last year has become a central figure in more than 20 lawsuits in the U.S. accusing the company of failing to warn consumers and regulators of the risk that its glyphosate-based herbicide can cause non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

As Trump’s EPA Takes Shape, Here’s Your Pesticide Cheat Sheet

In the final weeks and months of the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Pesticide Programs issued a flurry of reports on some of the country’s most widely used pesticides. Decisions made on the basis of these environmental and health assessments will likely determine the level of pesticide residue allowed on the food we eat. They will affect children’s neurological health and development, particularly in agricultural communities. They will determine how farmworkers are protected from pesticide exposures.

Chronic exposure to low levels of organophosphate insecticide may cause diabetes

A study by scientists at Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, has found evidence that chronic exposure to organophosphate insecticides induces diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance in both humans and mice. The researchers found that organophosphate-induced diabetes was mediated by gut bacteria. The results were published in the journal Genome Biology.

Low use of pesticides and antibiotics offer benefits for human health

In a review of existing research, commissioned by a committee of the European Parliament, a group of European researchers has identified benefits of organic food production for human health. The researchers recommend the parliament to consider giving priority to certain organic production practices and their use also in conventional agriculture. This recommendation comes from a one-year study resulting in the report 'Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture'. The experts list several advantages of methods used in organic agriculture that benefit human health.

Dow Chemical Wants Farmers to Keep Using a Pesticide Linked to Autism and ADHD

In 2014, the first and most comprehensive look at the environmental causes of autism and developmental delay, known as the CHARGE study, found that the nearby application of agricultural pesticides greatly increases the risk of autism. Women who lived less than a mile from fields where chlorpyrifos was sprayed during their second trimesters of pregnancy, as Magda did, had their chances of giving birth to an autistic child more than triple.

The bird flu virus isn't targeting humans - yet

Bird flu is back, and is spreading quickly. But don't worry, the virus isn't targeting humans - yet. The H5N8 strain of bird flu reached Europe in October 2016, and since then has been detected in at least 14 countries including France, Denmark and Germany. In Germany alone, authorities have recorded more than 30 separate incidents of bird flu, leading to the cull of tens of thousands of domesticated chickens, ducks and geese, among others. In the wild, more than 500 birds are known to have been infected as well.

Wetlands: Crucial to the environment, but treated as wastelands

Wetlands constitute an important natural resource that is overlooked by many of us. When people think of wetlands, they tend to picture unpleasant landscapes, mosquitoes and strange smells, but they don’t see the handful of benefits these habitats provide for the ecosystem as a whole. These natural benefits often are translated into economic goods. When we look into all of the great things wetlands do for us, it is hard to deny that we can’t do without them. Wetlands play a key role in regulating water quality and availability in certain areas.