Indiana’s wildlife authorities report that the number of ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) is less than 1% of the population it was just 40 years ago. The number of breeding birds has declined steadily over the past 25 years. The bird is completely gone from at least 15 of the state’s 92 counties and in the other 77 to numbers are down drastically. Officials in 18 other states across a wide geographic area — New England, the upper Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, the Appalachians – might wind up going the route of the Hoosier State.
Meanwhile, grouse hunting seasons go on as scheduled. Ohio’s opened back on Oct. 13 and will run through Jan. 31. The bag limit is two a day. Kentucky’s season is in now and will run through the end of February. The daily limit is four. Any hunter putting a daily limit in the game bag is worthy of a big silver and gold trophy.
Source: Porthmouth Daily Times, 25 November 2018…

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