In Europe, the growth of counterfeit plant protection products is worrying. The ECPA estimates that 5 percent to 7 percent of annual turnover is affected by counterfeiting and illegal trade. At the time of the report, in U.S. dollars, this is about $260 million - $370 million of the European pesticide business across Europe. In some regional hot spots, 25 percent or more of the market is estimated to be counterfeit. These estimates are based on statistics, market dynamics, percentage of customs seizures and case-by-case country studies. And the problem is growing. In China and India, illegal pesticides are deemed to make up about 30 percent and 20 percent of these markets, respectively. The rapid growth of chemical manufacturing capabilities in these countries has made this possible. Pesticide imports from China into the European Union are growing eight times faster than average worldwide pesticide imports into the EU. This is a concern in light of the fact that 86 percent of counterfeited goods seized in 2006 came from China.
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