Disturbing Facts About The Fishing Industry That Threaten Your Health

It’s promoted as being a sustainable solution to overfishing, but fish farms actually cause more problems than they solve, with little difference in environmental pollution between land-based feedlots and water-based ones. In the documentary, Kurt Oddekalv, who is a respected Norwegian environmental activist, exposes how salmon farming creates one of the most toxic foods in the world. For instance, underneath the salmon farms across the Norwegian fjords, there’s a layer of waste that reaches 15 meters high—filled with bacteria, drugs, and pesticides. But because the farms are located in open water, the pollution from them isn’t contained. Furthermore, the salmon farms can hold upwards of 2 million salmon in small spaces, and these crowded environments create disease amongst the salmon, including sea lice, Pancreas Disease, and Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus. To keep these diseases from occurring, dangerous pesticides must be used.

Salmon, typically thought of as a healthy food to consume on a regular basis, may not, after all, be your best choice if you’re opting for the farm-raised varietal.

Source: Collective Evolution, May 13, 2016