Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) is a summer vegetable grown over 8670 hectares area throughout Pakistan with the annual production of 91260 tonnes. Samples were collected from different locations of Noshera Virkan District Gujranwala during 2006. Out of 24 samples collected from wholesale market, 6 samples (25%) were free of imidacloprid pesticide residues. Imidacloprid residues were in the range of 0 to 0.028 mg kg-1 in the collected samples. The average concentration of imidacloprid in samples collected from main bazar was 0.013 mg kg-1.
M. F. Iqbal, U. Maqbool, I. Perveez, M. Farooq, and M. R. Asi
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences 19(2): 2009, Pages: 90-93

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