We studied arthropod occurrence in fallow land, extensively used pastures, extensively used meadows (cut twice or three times a year) and intensively used meadows (cut more than three times ayear) in Upper Bavaria.
Medium-sized arthropods (5-15mm) were encountered much less frequently on intensively used and fallow land than on pastures and extensively used meadows. Large individuals (>15mm) were observed most frequently on pastures but were hardly found on intensively used meadows. In autumn they occurred almost exclusively on pastures and fallow land. Species richness was the highest on pastures and the lowest on intensively used meadows. The study underscores the depletion of arthropod fauna and in particular the decline of large arthropods on intensively used meadows. It indicates that extensively used meadows and extensively used pastures in particular are the most favourable sources of nutrition for insectivores such as reptiles, amphibians, birds or bats.
Zahn et al. (2010): Food availability for insectivores in grasslands – arthropod abundance in pastures, meadows and fallow land. APPLIED ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 8(2): 87-100…

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