
Verhogen pesticiden het risico op autisme?

Wetenschappelijke bewijzen stapelen zich op: bepaalde pesticiden lijken het risico op autisme te verhogen. Het is zaak te achterhalen hoe dat precies in zijn werk gaat. In de Verenigde Staten wordt één kind op 59 geboren met autisme. De cijfers dateren van 2018 en zijn twintig procent hoger dan in 2016. In sommige staten, zoals New Jersey, waar de diagnostische methodes bijzonder efficiënt zijn, heeft zelfs één kind op 34 de ontwikkelingsstoornis. Meer dan de helft van hen heeft een IQ onder de 85, wat op het randje is van een intellectuele stoornis.

Interview met Henk Tennekes in Achterhoek Nieuws

De Zutphense toxicoloog Henk Tennekes (1950) toonde het verband aan tussen de massale bijensterfte en het gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen met neonicotinoïden als werkzame bestanddelen. In 2010 publiceerde hij zijn boek ‘A disaster in the making’ waarin hij het grote publiek waarschuwde voor een dreigende milieucatastrofe. Het werd de klokkenluider niet in dank afgenomen. Hij verloor al zijn geld, maar hij hield voet bij stuk en sinds eind vorig jaar is het gebruik van drie neonicotinoïden in Europa verboden. “Ik moest voor de waarheid kiezen.”

Bewoners van Westerveld onderzoeken landbouwgif in bodem en water en vinden 57 middelen

In het Drentse Westerveld worden op grote schaal lelies geteeld. Daarbij gebruiken de boeren veel bestrijdingsmiddelen. Honderdzestig bezorgde omwonenden van velden met lelieteelt in Westerveld lieten dertien monsters van de bodem en het oppervlaktewater onderzoeken en vonden giftige stoffen. In tien grond- en gewasmonsters zaten 57 verschillende bestrijdingsmiddelen. De burgers eisen dat de overheid maatregelen neemt.

Six days of eating all organic is enough to significantly reduce pesticide levels in the body

Researchers in California just demonstrated that a mere six days of eating all organic is enough to significantly reduce levels of harmful pesticides in your body. In the study, four families (with completely different backgrounds) consumed conventional products for six days and had their urine tested. Then, they ate a 100 percent organic diet for six days and had their urine tested again. The drop in pesticide levels present in their urine between tests was massive.

Pesticides as Poisons

There has been a recent investigation here on Bellingcat, of a poisoning incident in Bulgaria in April 2015, where an individual named Emilian Gebrev was posioned. An angle of this investigation has been to see if it is at all connected to the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal. One particular aspect of recent publicity has been to examine whether or not a “Novichok” series nerve agent was responsible for the 2015 poisoning incident.

Study Shows Pesticide Levels in Families Dropped by 60% After One-Week Organic Diet

A new peer-reviewed study shows that eating a completely organic diet—even for just one week—can dramatically reduce the presence of pesticide levels in people, a finding that was characterized as “groundbreaking” by critics of an industrial food system that relies heavily on synthetic toxins and chemicals to grow crops and raise livestock. Published in the Environmental Research, the study—titled Organic Diet Intervention Significantly Reduces Urinary Pesticide Levels in U.S.

Neonic Pesticide May Become More Toxic in Tap Water

Yet again, our government scientists—the oft neglected but so important brain trust of our Nation—bring the public some very important new data. Pesticide water monitoring experts at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) paired up with scientists from the University of Iowa in a federally-funded collaboration to track neonicotinoid pesticides or “neonics” in tap water, including the potential to form chlorinated disinfection byproducts (DBPs) from the pesticides and their metabolites that may be more toxic than the original compounds. And, the news isn’t good.

Relationship between Urinary N-Desmethyl-Acetamiprid and Typical Symptoms including Neurological Findings

We previously determined a metabolite of acetamiprid, N-desmethyl-acetamiprid in the urine of a patient, who exhibited some typical symptoms including neurological findings. We sought to investigate the association between urinary N-desmethyl-acetamiprid and the symptoms by a prevalence case-control study. Spot urine samples were collected from 35 symptomatic patients of unknown origin and 50 non-symptomatic volunteers (non-symptomatic group, NSG, 4–87 year-old).

Associations between Autism Spectrum Disorders and Maternally-Reported Use of Imidacloprid

The environmental contribution to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is largely unknown, but household pesticides are receiving increased attention. We examined associations between ASD and maternally-reported use of imidacloprid, a common flea and tick treatment for pets. Our analytic dataset included complete information for 262 typically developing controls and 407 children with ASD. Compared with exposure among controls, the odds of prenatal imidacloprid exposure among children with ASD were slightly higher, with an odds ratio (OR) of 1.3 (95% Credible Interval [CrI] 0.78, 2.2).

Low levels of neonicotinoids are present in commonly-consumed fruits and vegetables sold in the US

Residue data for seven neonicotinoid pesticides collected between 1999 and 2015 by the US Department of Agriculture’s Pesticide Data Program (PDP) were collated and summarized by year across various food commodities, including fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy, grain, honey, and baby food, as well as water to qualitatively describe and examine trends in contamination frequency and residue concentrations. The highest detection frequencies (DFs) for neonicotinoids by year on all commodities were generally below 20%.