
Comprehensive Review of Detrimental Effects of Pesticides on Bees

This chapter focuses on the detrimental effects that pesticides have on managed honey bee colonies and their productivity. We examine first the routes of exposure of bees to agrochemicals used for crop protection and their application to crops, fate and contamination of water and plants around the fields. Most of the time, the exposure of bees to pesticides is through ingestion of residues found in the pollen and nectar of plants and in water. Honey bees are also exposed to pesticides used for the treatment of Varroa and other parasites.

New research confirms continued, unabated and large-scale amphibian declines

New U.S. Geological Survey-led research suggests that even though amphibians are severely declining worldwide, there is no smoking gun -- and thus no simple solution -- to halting or reversing these declines. "Implementing conservation plans at a local level will be key in stopping amphibian population losses, since global efforts to reduce or lessen threats have been elusive," said Evan Grant, a USGS research wildlife biologist who led the study published in Scientific Reports today.

Western pond turtles in Sequoia National Park tested positive for pesticides

Western pond turtles in Sequoia National Park and other California remote wildlands have been exposed to an assortment of agricultural and industrial contaminants, according to a study from the National Park Service and the University of California, Davis. In the study, published online in the journal Chemosphere, scientists sampled for 57 compounds, including pesticides, in turtles, invertebrates, and sediments from three sites: Sequoia National Park, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, and Six Rivers National Forest.

Report presents effects of pesticide exposure on children

"Kids are on the frontline in Minnesota," the Pesticide Action Network warns in a recently released report on the effects of children's exposure to pesticides. "Kids are more vulnerable to chemical exposure," Lex Horan of the Pesticide Action Network told a Park Rapids area audience this week. "They haven't developed the biological defense mechanisms. When kids are exposed at a critical moment of development it can have a lifelong effect." The report's review of government health trend data and recent academic research found:

Ein einfaches Modell bewertet Pestizide sicherer als bisher

Bei der Bewertung von Pestiziden liefert ein einfaches Modell sicherere Ergebnisse als das aktuell von der EU angewandte. Das belegt eine aktuelle Studie des Instituts für Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Koblenz-Landau und der ETH Zürich. Die Wissenschaftler zeigen, dass zur Risikobewertung von Pestiziden ein weitaus weniger komplexes Box-Modell eine höhere Sicherheit für die Umwelt bieten kann als der von der EU verwendete FOCUS-Modellierungsansatz.

ILSI infiltrates and influences regulatory bodies concerned with pesticides, chemicals, food safety and drug safety

A disturbing analysis of how the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) managed to infiltrate and influence EFSA (European Food Safety Agency) and a wide range of other international regulatory bodies concerned with pesticides, chemicals, food safety and drug safety. ILSI goes to great lengths to present itself as a non-lobbying group, but it is quite clear from its membership, actions and funding sources that it is an extremely focused lobbying group.

Alarming levels of pesticides found in Danish children and mothers

Scientists have sounded the alarm that high concentrations of pesticides are showing up in urine samples of Danish mothers and children. Researchers suspect that the pesticides harm children’s brains. “It is alarming that we have such a high concentration of pesticides in Denmark,” Philippe Grandjean, a professor of environmental medicine and head of research at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), told Altinget.

Bezorgde omwonenden van de lelieteelt in Gaasterland worden met een kluitje in het riet gestuurd

Al vele jaren worden er in Gaasterland lelies geteeld. Koos van der Avoird uit Lemmer is een grote teler die verschillende percelen in gebruik heeft. Waarom in Gaasterland? ,,Daar is de zuurgraad van de grond heel laag. Veel lager dan bij voorbeeld in de Noordoostpolder. En dat maakt die grond hier heel geschikt voor bepaalde soorten lelies’’, zo vertelde hij tijdens een praatavond over lelieteelt in Wijckel. Dorpsbelang merkte dat er veel vragen leven onder de bevolking en riep de hele regio op vragen te stellen en mee te praten.

Onderzoek naar risico’s bestrijdingsmiddelen voor omwonenden rond bollenvelden

Het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) start met een groot onderzoek naar de blootstelling van mensen aan gewasbeschermingsmiddelen die in de buurt wonen van gebieden waar deze veel worden gebruikt. Het onderzoek wordt gefaseerd uitgevoerd, te beginnen bij omwonenden rond bollenvelden. Het onderzoek wordt dit jaar opgezet en de eerste metingen worden vanaf 2016 gedaan. De resultaten worden door het RIVM gebruikt om de technieken verder te verfijnen.

Italienische Umweltschützer schlagen Alarm: Pestizide haben in den Gewässern stark zugenommen

In 65 Prozent der Wasserproben aus Seen, Flüssen und Bächen wurden massive Rückstände an Pestiziden gefunden. Kopfzerbrechen bereitet der staatlich-italienischen Umweltbehörde Ispra vor allem die gestiegene Belastung im Grundwasser. In sieben Prozent der Fälle sind die Wasserproben wegen der Gesundheitsbelastung als nicht mehr trinkbar einzustufen. Mit diesen Zahlen schlägt der neue Ispra-Untersuchungsbericht Alarm.