Other insects

Differences in susceptibility of five cladoceran species to two systemic insecticides

Differences in susceptibility of five cladocerans to the neonicotinoid imidacloprid and the phenyl-pyrazole fipronil, which have been dominantly used in rice fields of Japan in recent years, were examined based on short-term (48-h), semi-static acute immobilization exposure tests. Additionally, we compared the species sensitivity distribution (SSD) patterns of both insecticides between two sets of species: the five tested cladocerans and all other aquatic organisms tested so far, using data from the ECOTOX database of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA).

Biodiversity and biological control

Agricultural intensity on the local field or farm scale and on the regional landscape scale affects the organisms utilizing the arable landscape, and may affect ecosystem services and functions. This thesis examines how plants, birds, community composition of ground beetles, and biological control of cereal aphids are affected by local agricultural intensity, organic farming and the surrounding landscape in Sweden and across Europe. The contribution of naturally occurring predator groups to the control of cereal aphid populations in complex and simple arable landscapes is also examined.

25 der 28 Fledermausarten der Schweiz sind heute bedroht und alle Arten geschützt

Weltweit sind rund 850 Fledermausarten bekannt. 25 der 28 Fledermausarten der Schweiz sind heute bedroht und alle Arten geschützt. Drei Fledermausarten haben so kleine Bestände, dass sie vom Aussterben bedroht sind. Die Verarmung der Landschaft und der massive Rückgang der Insektenvielfalt sind Hauptgründe für den starken Rückgang. Einheimische Fledermäuse ernähren sich ausschliesslich von Insekten. Der Rückgang der Insektenvorkommen ist eine Folge der Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft (durch Insektizide, Kunstdünger, Monokulturen). Zudem wirkten sich Bodenverbesserungen(Meliorationen) und Strukturausräumungen in der Landschaft negativ aus.

90 percent of the 250,000 flowering species now in existence rely on pollinators

Pollinators are an essential part of a garden; so essential in fact, that 90 percent of the 250,000 flowering species now in existence rely on them according to the University of Georgia. Bees and butterflies make up the largest group of pollinators; however, the interior design of certain types of flowers makes it impossible for bees or butterflies to pollinate. These plants must rely on other types of insects to seek out the nectar they produce and pollinate them in the process.

The biodiversity balancing act: “Therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee”

Britain’s 30 million hedgehogs have been reduced to 1.3 million in the last 50 years. Three quarters of butterfly species are in decline. Britain has lost three of its 24 species of bumblebee in last 70 years. Moths numbers have dropped by a third since 1968. In the last 100 years, around 60 species of moth have become extinct. There are those who say all this angst about biodiversity is nonsense. But such free-marketers are wrong. Scottish Natural Heritage’s list of over 1,000 threatened species is not dominated by nice furry mammals or dramatic birds of prey, but by obscure lichens, algae, fungi, flowering plants, beetles, and more than 300 other insects on which the chaps at the top of the Mikado’s list depend, including us. “Therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

Joe Barry: 'Pesticides also harm beneficial insects and the birds that feed on them'

Farmland birds are important indicators of the ecological health of our countryside and the recently published figures show how bad the situation is. BirdWatch Ireland and BirdLife Europe have revealed that farmland bird populations in Ireland and across Europe are at their lowest levels since records began. Grey partridge Perdix perdix numbers are down a massive 82pc, the skylark Alauda arvensis 46pc, the linnet Carduelis cannabina 62pc and the corn bunting Miliaria calandra 66pc. I wrote recently about how the curlew Numenius arquata is facing extinction and yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella numbers are at their lowest ever levels, while many other previously common farmland birds have shown significant, long-term declines. Intensive farming creates difficulties for almost all wildlife. Monocultures of grain and grasses provide little food for seed eaters unless generous margins are left at the headlands. Early mowing for silage removes vital springtime habitat. Drainage destroys wetlands and the damage done by removing hedgerows is well known. Pesticides can kill far more than the target 'pests' by also harming beneficial insects and the birds that feed on them, and continuous tillage depletes the organic matter in the soil. Slug pellets harm the creatures that eat slugs and rat poison can end up in the digestive systems of birds like barn owls. Careless spreading of slurry and silage effluent often causes serious pollution, as do incorrectly installed septic tanks, yet howls of protest are heard whenever someone points this out.

Compatibility of Two Systemic Neonicotinoids, Imidacloprid and Thiamethoxam, with Various Natural Enemies of Agricultural Pests

Two systemic neonicotinoids, imidacloprid and thiamethoxam, are widely used for residual control of several insect pests in cotton (Gossypium spp.), vegetables, and citrus (Citrus spp.). We evaluated their impact on six species of beneficial arthropods, including four parasitoid species—Aphytis melinus Debach, Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose & Zolnerowich, and Encarsia formosa Gahan—and two generalist predators—Geocoris punctipes (Say) and Orius insidiosus (Say)—in the laboratory by using a systemic uptake bioassay.

When it Comes to Pesticides, Birds are Sitting Ducks

Ingestion is probably the most common way that birds are exposed to pesticides. Birds can swallow the pesticide directly, such as when a bird mistakes a pesticide granule for a seed, or indirectly, by consuming contaminated prey. They may also ingest pesticide residues off feathers while preening, or they may drink or bathe in tainted water. Pesticides can also be absorbed through the skin, or inhaled when pesticides are applied aerially.

Pesticides can also affect birds indirectly by either reducing the amount of available food or altering habitat.

Mysteriöses Vogelsterben durch Insektizide verursacht?

Eine weltweite Serie von Vogelsterben erschreckt viele Gemüter, wird doch der Beginn des jüngsten Gerichtes mit ähnlichen Bildern beschrieben. In Beebe im US-Bundesstaat Arkansas vielen 5000 Vögel vom Himmel. In Lousianna fand man 500 verendete Amseln, Stare und Spatzen. Im schwedischen Fallköpping verendeten zahlreiche Dohlen, in Italien 700 Tauben. In den USA und vielerorts weltweit sterben jährlich mehr als 30% der Bienenvölker und Nutzinsekten durch landwirtschaftliche Insektizide. In seinem kürzlich erschienenen Buch „The Systemic Insecticides: A Disaster in the Making“ beschreibt der niederländische Toxikologe Dr. Henk Tennekes die Brisanz dieser seit einem Jahrzent weltweit eingesetzten Insektizide. Durch das systematische Vergiften einer Basis unseres Nahrungskreislaufes, nämlich der Insektenfauna, sind alle davon lebenden Arten ebenfalls betroffen.

Where have all the ladybirds gone?

In a two-part article (attached), authors Marilyn Steiner and Stephen Goodwin shine a spotlight on neonicotinoid pesticides against a backdrop of widespread use of this group and concerning reports of an alarming and increasing loss of biodiversity. While honey bees have been the focus of concern, other pollinators and invertebrates, birds and even the lowly earthworm are at risk. Stephen Goodwin and Marilyn Steiner are IPM consultants trading as Biocontrol Solutions at Mangrove Mountain. Email: sgoodwin.msteiner@gmail.com