Other insects

The Disaster in the Making Henk Tennekes Described For His Native Country Holland Now Confirmed On Canadian Prairies

A University of Saskatchewan biologist says many wetlands across the Prairies are being contaminated by a relatively new pesticide that is threatening the ecosystem. Christy Morrissey says that over the past few years neonicotinoids have been used increasingly on crops in Western Canada and the chemical is making its way into wetlands, potentially having a devastating "domino effect" on insects and the birds that rely on them. Morrissey is just a year and a half into a four-year study, but she's alarmed by what she's finding. "This is huge" Morrissey said. "The impact on biodiversity could be probably bigger than we've ever seen before if we keep going at this rate."

De hele gemeenschap van de bestuivende insecten kan plotseling ineenstorten met weinig hoop op herstel, stellen Wageningse onderzoekers

Wereldwijd hebben bestuivers het moeilijk. Insecticiden, parasieten, ziekten en verlies van leefgebied zitten de bestuivers in de weg. En ze hebben steeds meer moeite om te overleven. En wanneer hun omstandigheden verder verslechteren, ziet het er niet best uit, zo stellen Wageningse onderzoekers. Het kan wel eens leiden tot het uitsterven van heel veel soorten. Stel dat de omstandigheden van de bestuivers nog verder verslechteren: welke gevolgen heeft dat dan? Onderzoekers van de Wageningen University zochten het met behulp van wiskundige modellen uit. Ze tonen aan dat de toekomst van de bestuivers mede bepaald wordt door de manier waarop interactienetwerken in elkaar zitten. De structuur van deze netwerken zorgt ervoor dat bestuivers elkaar in moeilijke tijden ondersteunen. Het betekent tegelijkertijd dat soorten in één gebied in moeilijke tijden sterk van elkaar afhankelijk zijn. Wanneer de omstandigheden echt heel slecht worden, bestaat dus het gevaar dat de hele gemeenschap van bestuivers – denk aan bijen, vlinders, zweefvliegen, hommels, enzovoort – instort. En het is bijzonder lastig om zo’n ingestorte gemeenschap weer te herstellen. Daarvoor moeten de omstandigheden van deze soorten namelijk heel sterk verbeteren: nog sterker dan deze verslechterd zijn.

Cumulative effects of thiacloprid on non-target invertebrates

Pesticides applied in agriculture can affect the structure and function of nontarget populations at lower doses and for longer timespans than predicted by the current risk assessment frameworks. We identified a mechanism for this observation. The populations of an aquatic invertebrate (Culex pipiens) exposed over several generations to repeated pulses of low concentrations of the neonicotinoid insecticide (thiacloprid) continuously declined and did not recover in the presence of a less sensitive competing species (Daphnia magna). By contrast, in the absence of a competitor, insecticide effects on the more sensitive species were only observed at concentrations 1 order of magnitude higher, and the species recovered more rapidly after a contamination event. The underlying processes are experimentally identified and reconstructed using a simulation model. We conclude that repeated toxicant pulse of populations that are challenged with interspecific competition may result in a multigenerational culmination of low-dose effects.

De lange termijn effecten van neonicotinoiden op het leefmilieu zijn onaanvaardbaar

Neonicotinoïden behoren tot de ’nieuwe generatie’ van pesticiden en worden in de landbouw frequent aangewend voor de bestrijding van onder andere bladluizen. Ze vallen in de klasse van de neurotoxines, wat betekent dat ze inwerken op het zenuwstelsel van het organisme. Niet alleen de doelsoorten worden hierdoor getroffen, maar de impact reikt veel verder. De actieve stoffen die niet door de planten worden opgenomen, dringen de grond in of komen in het oppervlaktewater terecht, waar ze ook het waterleven beïnvloeden. Onderzoek toonde recent aan dat de werking van neonicotinoïden zich niet enkel afspeelt op het niveau van het organisme zelf maar dat ze ook op een complexe en indirecte manier het evenwicht tussen soorten verstoort.

The interaction between forest birds and eastern spruce budworm

The eastern spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana Clem., (hereafter budworm) is responsible for the largest areas of insect-caused disturbance in North America, and as such, is an important part of spruce–fir forest change and succession. The insectivorous forest bird community shows large and rapid responses to budworm outbreaks. There is good evidence that there are budworm-linked species (bay-breasted, Cape May, and Tennessee warblers) that respond to budworm outbreak much more strongly and consistently than other species, probably through increased productivity of local populations when budworm are abundant. There also appears to be a more widespread positive bird community response to budworm outbreak that involves many more species.

Thiacloprid affects trophic interaction between gammarids and mayflies

Neonicotinoid insecticides like thiacloprid enter agricultural surface waters, where they may affect predator-prey interactions, which are of central importance for ecosystems as well as the functions these systems provide. The effects of field relevant thiacloprid concentrations on the leaf consumption of Gammarus fossarum (Amphipoda) were assessed over 96 h (n = 13-17) in conjunction with its predation on Baetis rhodani (Ephemeroptera) nymphs. The predation by Gammarus increased significantly at 0.50-1.00 ug/L. Simultaneously, its leaf consumption decreased with increasing thiacloprid concentration. As a consequence of the increased predation at 1.00 ug/L, gammarids’ dry weight rose significantly by 15% compared to the control. At 4.00 ug/L, the reduced leaf consumption was not compensated by an increase in predation causing a significantly reduced dry weight of Gammarus (~20%). These results may finally suggest that thiacloprid adversely affects trophic interactions, potentially translating into alterations in ecosystem functions, like leaf litter breakdown and aquatic terrestrial subsidies.

Farmland bird invertebrate food provision in arable crops

Invertebrates are an essential food source for most farmland birds yet their relative abundance and biomass in the most commonly grown arable crops are poorly understood. Dvac suction sampling was used to determine the abundance, biomass and community composition of those invertebrate groups considered important in the diet of farmland birds for the commonest arable crops. Approximately 40 fields were sampled at the edge and mid-field over 2 years in three different locations in England. In cereals, the fauna was primarily comprised of Araneae (10%), Coleoptera (30%) and Hemiptera (58%), whereas the oilseed rape fauna was dominated by Coleoptera (65%) and peas and potatoes by Hemiptera (89%). Beans contained a high proportion of Coleoptera (39%) and Hemiptera (49%). Aphididae were the most abundant family (20–86% of total), although in oilseed rape and beans, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae and Nitidulidae formed ca 20% of the fauna. Aphids only formed a small proportion (7%) of the total biomass, except in peas (32%).

Wildlife Ecotoxicology of Pesticides: Can We Track Effects to the Population Level and Beyond?

During the past 50 years, the human population has more than doubled and global Agricultural production has similarly risen. However, the productive arable area has increased by just 10%; thus the increased use of pesticides has been a consequence of the demands of human population growth, and its impact has reached global significance. Although we often know a pesticide´s mode of action in the target species, we still largely do not understand the full impact of unintended side effects on wildlife, particularly at higher levels of biological organization: populations,
communities, and ecosystems. In these times of regional and global species declines, we are challenged with the task of causally linking knowledge about the molecular actions of pesticides to their possible interference with biological processes, in order to develop reliable predictions about the consequences of pesticide use, and misuse, in a rapidly changing world.

De samenzwering tegen de toxicoloog Henk Tennekes, die de oorzaak van de bijensterfte ophelderde

Bij het doornemen van literatuur over bestrijdingsmiddelen kwam de Nederlandse toxicoloog Henk Tennekes in 2009 een publicatie tegen van de Spaanse ecotoxicoloog Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, die beschreef hoe de giftigheid van neonicotinoide insecticiden voor geleedpotigen (arthropoden) afhankelijk was van de blootstellingstijd. Toen Tennekes deze gegevens nader analyseerde, werd hem duidelijk dat het verband tussen het blootstellingsniveau en de tijd die verstrijkt totdat de giftige werking tot uiting komt precies hetzelfde was als voor genotoxische (DNA-beschadigende) kankerverwekkende stoffen, de meest gevaarlijke stoffen die we kennen. Hij zag dat de tijd de werking van de neonicotinoiden versterkt: hoe langer de latente periode tot het optreden van sterfte van geleedpotigen, hoe minder je van het bestrijdingsmiddel nodig hebt. Tennekes publiceerde zijn ontdekking in juli 2010 in het vaktijdschrift Toxicology, in november 2010 gevolgd door zijn boek ‘Disaster in the Making’, waarin hij beschrijft hoe de toepassing van neonicotinoiden een voor onze ogen plaatsvindende milieuramp tot gevolg heeft. Het kostte hem zijn naam, zijn klanten en een berg geld. Luister naar de reportage op radio 1: http://www.radio1.nl/item/132555-Bijensterfte%20een%20samenzwering.html

Preliminary aquatic risk assessment of imidacloprid after application in an experimental rice plot

Imidacloprid was applied as Confidor® 200 SC at the recommended field dose of 100 g a.i./ha to a Portuguese rice plot. Subsequently, fate of the test compound in water and potential effects of water samples on a battery of test species were determined. As compared to the first-tier predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) calculated using MED-Rice (around 30 µg/L depending on the scenario used) and US-EPA (78 µg/L) simulations, the actual peak concentration measured in the paddy water (52 µg/L) was higher and lower, respectively. As was anticipated based on 50% effect concentrations (EC50 values) for Daphnia magna published in the open literature and that calculated in the present study (48 h-EC50 immobility=84 mg/L), no effects were observed of field water samples on daphnids. The sediment-dwelling ostracod Heterocypris incongruens, however, appeared relatively sensitive towards imidacloprid (6 d-EC50 growth inhibition=0.01–0.015 mg/L) and a slight effect was indeed noted in field samples taken the first week after application. Species sensitivity distributions based on published EC50 and NOEC values also revealed that other species are likely to be affected at the peak and time-weighted average imidacloprid concentrations, respectively. By applying the relative tolerance approach (i.e. by dividing the EC50 value of a certain species with that of Daphnia magna), ostracods appear to contain the most sensitive taxa to imidacloprid, followed by EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera) taxa.