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Artemis en Nefyto starten juridische procedure tegen gebruiksverbod buiten de landbouw

De overheid heeft vorig jaar een verbod ingesteld op het gebruik van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen op verhardingen en is voornemens om per 1 november 2017 dit verbod uit te breiden tot alle toepassingen buiten de landbouw. Ondanks bezwaren van Artemis en Nefyto zet de overheid dit verbod door. Genoemde organisaties vinden het verbod onrechtmatig, ongegrond en onwenselijk en hebben daarom besloten een juridische procedure tegen de Staat te starten.

Brüssel mahnt zur Eindämmung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln

Die EU-Länder müssen aus Sicht der EU-Kommission mehr tun, um den Einsatz giftiger Pflanzenschutzmittel so weit wie möglich einzudämmen. Die Umsetzung der entsprechenden Richtlinie sei ungenügend, moniert die Brüsseler Behörde. Deutschland kommt aber bei der Überprüfung vergleichsweise gut weg. Viele Menschen sorgten sich wegen Rückständen der Pestizide im Essen und in der Natur, erklärte EU-Gesundheitskommissar Vytenis Andriukaitis. Diese Sorgen nehme man ernst. Die Umsetzung der entsprechenden Richtlinie sei ungenügend, moniert die Brüsseler Behörde.

Le miel d’ici est le plus contaminé aux pesticides

Le miel nord-américain, y compris le miel québécois, est le plus contaminé aux pesticides néonicotinoïdes au monde, d’après une analyse internationale qui s’inquiète des effets cumulatifs sur la santé. Les néonicotinoïdes sont les pesticides les plus répandus au monde. Depuis quelques années, scientifiques et apiculteurs les accusent de décimer les colonies d’abeilles et de menacer la santé humaine. On retrouve des traces de ces substances dans la plupart des fruits et légumes, mais aussi dans les céréales et dans l’eau.

Op mondiaal niveau is door het gebruik van neonicotinoïden een voor insecten giftig landschap ontstaan

Zwitserse onderzoekers hebben 198 honingmonsters van lokale imkers op alle continenten van de wereld, uitgezonderd Antarctica, op de aanwezigheid van neonicotinoïde insecticiden onderzocht. In driekwart van de honing wereldwijd werden resten van ‘bijengif’ gevonden. Het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science publiceerde gisteren het Zwitserse onderzoek. Nederlandse experts noemen de uitkomsten schokkend.

New study exposes link between pesticides and childhood brain tumours

A new study from the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research has revealed a potential link between professional pesticide treatments in the home and a higher risk of children developing brain tumours. Published this week in the international journal Cancer Causes & Control, the study found that exposure by parents to professional pesticide treatments prior to conception could increase the chances of a child developing a brain tumour.

The Importance of Dose-Time-Response Relationships for Hazard Identification and Limitation of Animal Experiments

Historian Heiko Stoff has recently sketched a fascinating controversy in the 1950’s on chemical risk assessment. Two renowned scientists in the Farbstoffkommission (Dye Committee) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Community), pharmacologist Hermann Druckrey and biochemist (and Nobel Prize winner) Adolf Butenandt, were advocates of a preventive risk approach. Only substances with a reversible mechanism of action and dose-dependent toxicology were acceptable in their eyes because safe exposure concentrations below a threshold of toxicity could be defined.

Populations of river herring have undergone a significant decline

The annual arrival of the river herring signifies the official arrival of spring. It draws many of us to the run, to witness the upward migration of these beloved fish, who after surviving several years at sea, return to spawn in the same exact lake or pond where they were born. River Herring [Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and Blueback Herring (Alosa aestivalis)] are referred to as a “keystone species” as they are a vital part of the marine, estuarine, and freshwater food webs.

Once the pride of Kashmir, Wular Lake now struggles for survival

Fishing and other rural communities that have traditionally depended on Wular Lake are now struggling to earn a living from it, as shrinkage, siltation and ecological degradation take a toll on Kashmir’s largest flood basin. Wular, which was designated as a wetland of international importance under Ramsar Convention in 1990, is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Asia and the largest flood basin of Kashmir.

More than 15 southern waterways in New Zealand are on a list of rivers "lost or in noticeable decline" as public trout fisheries

More than 15 southern waterways appear on a list of rivers "lost or in noticeable decline" as public trout fisheries. The list was coordinated by NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers executive member Steve Gerard. Southern waterways appearing on the list include the Pomahaka, Oreti, Makarewa, Mokoreta, Upukerora, Whitestone and Mararoa rivers, and the Waipahi, Otamita, Waimea, Lora, Otapiri, Dunsdale, Hedgehope, Titipua, Waimatuku, Orauea and Mimihau streams. Gerard said New Zealand's trout fisheries were "going downhill".

Researcher touts potential of frogs, toads in restoring native fisheries

Frogs, toads and salamanders often fall through the cracks of scientific study, but according to recently published research from Montana State University, they play a role so important they should be incorporated into strategies for conserving freshwater fisheries. In his first peer-reviewed paper as sole author, Niall Clancy, 22, said that native fish populations continue to decline around the world despite advances in management practices. Therefore, fisheries managers might want to add new approaches to the old.