Beleid en debat

Report sullo stato della natura nel Regno Unito

Per la prima volta, 25 organizzazioni ambientaliste britanniche si sono riunite per la realizzazione di uno studio sullo stato della natura nel Regno Unito e nei Territori d'Oltremare. I risultati di quest'iniziativa sono stati raccolti e pubblicati in un report dal titolo "The State of Nature". Il report è il primo del suo genere a documentare lo stato e le tendenze delle popolazioni di animali e piante nel Regno Unito e nei suoi Territori d'Oltremare. Il report esamina lo stato della natura negli otto principali tipi di habitat del Regno Unito e propone una panoramica delle principali cause dei cambiamenti nella fauna.

Impossible c est pas français - Franse bio-branche in 5 jaar verdubbeld

Tussen 2007 en 2012 is het bio-landbouwareaal in Frankrijk bijna verdubbeld van 557.000 tot meer dan één miljoen hectare. In dezelfde periode is het aantal biologische boeren zelfs meer dan verdubbeld van 12.000 tot 24.500. Met een stijging van 6.400 tot 12.300 is het aantal verwerkers en detaillisten ook zeer positief ontwikkeld. De verkoop van biologische voedingsmiddelen aan consumenten steeg van 2 miljard euro naar 4,1 miljard euro. En al jaren neemt het gebruik van bioproducten in de catering toe. De omzet hierin is inmiddels gestegen tot 169 miljoen euro. Deze cijfers werden bij het begin van de twee weken durende actieperiode Printemps Bio aangekondigd (1 tot en met 15 juni). Dit gebeurde door Stéphane Le Foll, de minister van Landbouw.

The quiet disappearance of the hedgehog from the British countryside is a tragedy showing we are all becoming more estranged from the natural world

A new State of Nature report by 25 conservation groups including the Wildlife Trusts, the RSPB and the Mammal Society is predictably depressing: most British species are struggling and one in three have halved in number in the past half century. Hedgehogs have disappeared even more dramatically. Even if the 30 million population estimate from the 1950s is a massive over-exaggeration, hedgehogs have declined by more than 90%. Numbers have fallen by more than a third since 2003 and fewer than a million roam our countryside today. The quiet disappearance of this much-loved mammal – currently performing strongly in a BBC Wildlife Magazine poll to find a national species for Britain – may rarely make the headlines but it is a tragedy, and another small way in which we are all becoming more estranged from the natural world.

An absence of positive political debate about the natural world is even more troubling than the decline in UK wildlife revealed by State of Nature report

More than half the wildlife species found in our islands are declining, under an assault of development, air pollution and chemical attack. Bumblebees, wildflowers, songbirds and butterflies are among the more obvious casualties. Perhaps even more troubling than freefall declines in red squirrels, harbour seals, hedgehogs, starlings and all the others, is the fact that the crisis facing the living fabric of our environment is hardly mentioned in politics. And not only have ministers recently turned their attention away from the protection of nature, they have presented efforts to protect it as the enemy of growth, development and business. George Osborne's claim that laws to protect rare species are a 'ridiculous burden on business', Owen Paterson's championing the cause of Bayer and Syngenta in opposing the moratorium on the use of neonicotinoid pesticides and Michael Gove's attempts to downgrade education about our relationship with the natural environment are recent cases in point. With this in mind we can confidently guess that the government's on-going review of EU environmental laws is not intended to strengthen the protection of nature in these islands.

Emy Oosterveld uit Dwingeloo verzamelt handtekeningen tegen gifgebruik bij lelieteelt

Bewoonster Emy Oosterveld van de Esweg in Dwingeloo wil dat de gemeente Westerveld paal en perk stelt aan de lelieteelt, omdat daar veel gif bij wordt gebruikt. Zij maakt zich grote zorgen over de gezondheidsrisico's van de gebruikte middelen voor omwonenden en heeft inmiddels ruim honderd handtekeningen verzameld om haar verzoek kracht bij te zetten. "Tot drie keer per week kan er worden gespoten. Deze bestrijdingsmiddelen verwaaien en verdampen waardoor mensen en dieren er doorlopend aan worden blootgesteld", zegt Oosterveld, die zelf zo'n tweehonderd meter van een bollenveld woont. Oosterveld zegt meer handtekeningen te verzamelen. Uit de laatste inventarisatie van de omvang van de lelieteelt door de Stichting Bollenboos blijkt dat de totale oppervlakte van de lelieteelt in Westerveld sinds de eerste telling in 2001 nog niet eerder zo groot is geweest. Het resultaat van 2001 was 172 hectares lelies op 33 percelen. Uit de meest recente telling blijkt dat het in 2012 gaat om maar liefst 265 hectares lelies op 46 percelen. Het aantal hectares lelies in 2012 is een absoluut record. Gemiddeld ging het de afgelopen jaren om 201 hectare per jaar, uiteenlopend van 113 hectare in 2009 tot nu dus 265 hectare in 2012. Dit ondanks de toenemende zorg op provinciaal en landelijk niveau over de schadelijkheid van de lelieteelt voor de gezondheid van de omwonenden. Met 104 kilogram bestrijdingsmiddelen per hectare (CBS) zijn lelies het gewas met veruit het hoogste gebruik per hectare. Een simpel rekensommetje geeft aan dat in 2012 maar liefst 27.560 kilogram bestrijdingsmiddelen alleen voor de lelieteelt in Westerveld worden ingezet.

A great reckoning awaits humanity if we fail to awaken from our delusions

The plight of the bees serves as a warning that we still may not quite understand ecology. Ecological farming is part of a larger paradigm shift in human awareness. The corporate denialists appear just like the Pope's shrouded inquisitors in 1615, who refused to look through Galileo's telescope to see the moons of Jupiter. Today's denialists refuse to recognise that Earth's systems operate within real limits. However, the state religion in this case is money, and the state religion won't allow it. The denialists cling to the presumed right to consume, hoard, and obliterate Earth's great bounty for private profits. But hoards of money won't reverse extinction, restore lost soils, or heal the world's bee colonies. Earth's delicately balanced systems can reach tipping points and collapse. Bees, for example, work within a limited range of marginal returns on the energy they exert to collect nutrition for their colonies. When winter bee deaths grow from 10% to 50%, the remaining bees are weakened by toxins, and the wild habitats shrink, that thin, ecological margin of energy return can be squeezed to zero. Surviving bees expend more energy than they return in honey. More bees die, fewer reach maturity, and entire colonies collapse. This crisis is a lesson in fundamental ecology. Rachel Carson warned of these systemic constraints 50 years ago. Ecologists and environmentalists have warned of limits ever since. Bee colony collapse now joins global warming, forest destruction, and species extinctions among our most urgent ecological emergencies. Saving the world's bees appears as one more necessary link in restoring Earth to ecological balance.

Agrarisch natuurbeheer is een contradictio in terminis

Sinds 1960 zijn 3,3 tot 5,7 miljoen broedparen uit de Nederlandse agrarische gebieden verdwenen, een achteruitgang van 61 tot 73% bij 27 van de (voorheen) algemeen voorkomende weidevogels. Zo verloor de veldleeuwerik Alauda arvensis naar schatting 750.000 tot 1,1 miljoen broedparen (een afname van minstens 96%), gevolgd door de patrijs Perdix perdix (-93%), de zomertortel Streptopelia turtur (-92%), de ringmus Passer montanus (-93%) en de grutto Limosa limosa (-68%).

The current use of neonicotinoids threatens a range of ecosystem services

Neonicotinoids are now the most widely used insecticides in the world. They act systemically, travelling through plant tissues and protecting all parts of the crop, and are widely applied as seed dressings. As neurotoxins with high toxicity to most arthropods, they provide effective pest control and have numerous uses in arable farming and horticulture. However, the prophylactic use of broad-spectrum pesticides goes against the long-established principles of integrated pest management (IPM), leading to environmental concerns. It has recently emerged that neonicotinoids can persist and accumulate in soils. They are water soluble and prone to leaching into waterways. Being systemic, they are found in nectar and pollen of treated crops. Reported levels in soils, waterways, field margin plants and floral resources overlap substantially with concentrations that are sufficient to control pests in crops, and commonly exceed the LC50 (the concentration which kills 50% of individuals) for beneficial organisms. Concentrations in nectar and pollen in crops are sufficient to impact substantially on colony reproduction in bumblebees..Although vertebrates are less susceptible than arthropods, consumption of small numbers of dressed seeds offers a route to direct mortality in birds and mammals. Major knowledge gaps remain, but current use of neonicotinoids is likely to be impacting on a broad range of non-target taxa including pollinators and soil and aquatic invertebrates and hence threatens a range of ecosystem services.

Supreme Court Rules Human Genes May Not Be Patented

Isolated human genes may not be patented, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Thursday (June 13, 2013). The case concerned patents held by Myriad Genetics, a Utah company, on genes that correlate with increased risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. The patents were challenged by scientists and doctors who said their research and ability to help patients had been frustrated. The particular genes at issue received public attention after the actress Angelina Jolie revealed in May that she had had a preventive double mastectomy after learning that she had inherited a faulty copy of a gene that put her at high risk for breast cancer. The price of the test, often more than $3,000, was partly a product of Myriad’s patent, putting it out of reach for some women. The company filed patent infringement suits against others who conducted testing based on the gene. The price of the test is expected to fall because of Thursday’s decision.

Brutbestand der Kornweihen im Wattenmeer gefährdet

Nach einem lang anhaltenden Bestandsanstieg im Wattenmeer bis Ende der 1990er Jahre ist der Populationstrend der Kornweihen (Circus cyaneus) seither dramatisch rückläufig. Binnen zehn Jahren ging der Bestand um 60 Prozent zurück. Die Gründe sind bisher nicht hinreichend geklärt. Es muss befürchtet werden, dass für die Kornweihenpopulation überlebenswichtige Gebiete nicht mehr den Ansprüchen für ein erfolgreiches Brüten genügen können. Zudem sind die Rast- und Überwinterungsgebiete niedersächsischer Kornweihen sowie die dortigen Habitat- und Überlebensbedingungen ebenfalls unbekannt. Fest steht, dass nur ein kleiner Anteil der hier geborenen Vögel selbst zum Brüten in den Nationalpark zurückkehrt.