Beleid en debat

Randolf Menzel - Wie Pestizide (Neonicotinoide) die Navigation, die Tanz-Kommunikation und das Lernverhalten von Bienen verändern

Wir verwenden ein spezielles Radargerät, um den Flug von einzelnen Bienen über Kilometer zu verfolgen. Das Design der Versuche zum Studium ihrer Navigationsleistungen besteht darin, Bienen nach einer Dressur auf einer Futterstelle oder nach dem Verfolgen einer Tänzerin am Stockausgang mit einem Transponder auszustatten und an einer anderen Stelle innerhalb ihres explorierten Areals freizulassen. Sie führen dann zuerst einen Vektorflug durch, der sie entweder zum Stock zurück gebracht hätte (wären sie nicht versetzt worden) oder zu der im Tanz angegebenen Futterstelle. Danach führen sie einen Suchflug durch, von dem sie auf direktem Flug zum Stock zurückkehren. Die Experimente sind so angelegt, dass die Bienen sich dabei nicht nach einem Horizontprofil oder einer Landmarke in der Nähe des Stockes, sondern ausschließlich nach der Bodenstruktur orientieren können. Wir weisen nach, dass das Navigationsgedächtnis der Bienen am besten als eine kognitive Karte beschrieben werden kann. Subletale Dosen von Neonicotinoiden stören selektiv die Heimflugphase, die auf der Verwendung dieses kartenartigen Gedächtnisses beruht, sodass die Tiere dann nicht mehr sicher zum Stock zurückfinden. Eine chronische Aufnahme von Thiacloprid reduziert die Sammelaktivität und die Tanzkommunikation.

Ongefundeerde hetze tegen IUCN Task Force on Systemic Pesticides

Een onderzoek dat eind juni werd gepubliceerd en concludeerde dat neonicotinoïde gewasbeschermingsmiddelen schadelijk zijn voor bijen blijkt nu vervalst, zo schrijft The Times. Een bericht op de blog van een medewerker suggereert dat de onderzoekers hun conclusies bij voorbaat hadden opgesteld, en dat ze met hun publicaties een wereldwijd verbod op neonicotinoïden wilden bekomen. Eén van de betrokken onderzoekers bevestigt dat het bericht juist is, maar ontkent dat het onderzoek bevooroordeeld was. De gewasbeschermingsmiddelenindustrie hoopt dat beleidsmakers het onderzoek nu met de nodige voorzichtigheid zullen behandelen. Tegelijkertijd hopen landbouwers dat de huidige (tijdelijke) ban op neonicotinoïden, volgend jaar niet door de evaluatie geraakt.

Neonicotinoid-Contaminated Puddles of Water Represent a Risk of Intoxication for Honey Bees

In recent years, populations of honey bees and other pollinators have been reported to be in decline worldwide. A number of stressors have been identified as potential contributing factors, including the extensive prophylactic use of neonicotinoid insecticides, which are highly toxic to bees, in agriculture. While multiple routes of exposure to these systemic insecticides have been documented for honey bees, contamination from puddle water has not been investigated. In this study, we used a multi-residue method based on LC-MS/MS to analyze samples of puddle water taken in the field during the planting of treated corn and one month later. If honey bees were to collect and drink water from these puddles, our results showed that they would be exposed to various agricultural pesticides. All water samples collected from corn fields were contaminated with at least one neonicotinoid compound, although most contained more than one systemic insecticide. Concentrations of neonicotinoids were higher in early spring, indicating that emission and drifting of contaminated dust during sowing raises contamination levels of puddles. Although the overall average acute risk of drinking water from puddles was relatively low, concentrations of neonicotinoids ranged from 0.01 to 63 µg/L and were sufficient to potentially elicit a wide array of sublethal effects in individuals and colony alike. Our results also suggest that risk assessment of honey bee water resources underestimates the foragers' exposure and consequently miscalculates the risk. In fact, our data shows that honey bees and native pollinators are facing unprecedented cumulative exposure to these insecticides from combined residues in pollen, nectar and water. These findings not only document the impact of this route of exposure for honey bees, they also have implications for the cultivation of a wide variety of crops for which the extensive use of neonicotinoids is currently promoted.

Kabinet kijkt opnieuw naar verbod neonicotinoiden

Staatssecretaris Dijksma van Economische Zaken kijkt opnieuw naar de mogelijkheden om de inzet van neonicotinoïden te verbieden. Dat zegde zij op 4 december toe in reactie op een actieplan van de Partij voor de Dieren. Tweede Kamerlid Esther Ouwehand presenteerde het plan omdat een eerder aangenomen motie om deze bestrijdingsmiddelen te verbieden niet wordt uitgevoerd, door het kabinet. Van neonicotinoïden wordt verondersteld dat zij schade toebrengen aan de bijen- en vogelstand. Een meerderheid in de Tweede Kamer steunde eerder een motie om de toelating van neonicotinoïden in te trekken. Dijksma meende deze motie niet te kunnen uitvoeren vanwege de manier waarop het toelatingsbeleid voor gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in de Europese Unie is georganiseerd. Zij vreesde dat zij een eventuele juridische procedure van de leveranciers van de middelen niet zou kunnen winnen.

An Overview Comparing Results from Two Decades of Monitoring for Pesticides in the Nation’s Streams and Rivers, 1992–2001 and 2002–2011

This report provides an overview of the U.S. Geological Survey National Water-Quality Assessment program and National Stream Quality Accounting Network findings for pesticide occurrence in U.S. streams and rivers during 2002–11 and compares them to findings for the previous decade (1992–2001). In addition, pesticide stream concentrations were compared to Human Health Benchmarks (HHBs) and chronic Aquatic Life Benchmarks (ALBs). The comparisons between the decades were intended to be simple and descriptive. Trends over time are being evaluated separately in a series of studies involving rigorous trend analysis. During both decades, one or more pesticides or pesticide degradates were detected more than 90 percent of the time in streams across all types of land uses. For individual pesticides during 2002–11, atrazine (and degradate, deethylatrazine), carbaryl, fipronil (and degradates), metolachlor, prometon, and simazine were detected in streams more than 50 percent of the time. In contrast, alachlor, chlorpyrifos, cyanazine, diazinon, EPTC, Dacthal, and tebuthiuron were detected less frequently in streams during the second decade than during the first decade.

Pesticides in U.S. Streams and Rivers: Occurrence and Trends during 1992–2011

During the 20 years from 1992 to 2011, pesticides were found at concentrations that exceeded aquatic-life benchmarks in many rivers and streams that drain agricultural, urban, and mixed-land use watersheds. Overall, the proportions of assessed streams with one or more pesticides that exceeded an aquatic-life benchmark were very similar between the two decades for agricultural (69% during 1992−2001 compared to 61% during 2002−2011) and mixed-land-use streams (45% compared to 46%). Urban streams, in contrast, increased from 53% during 1992−2011 to 90% during 2002−2011, largely because of fipronil and dichlorvos. The potential for adverse effects on aquatic life is likely greater than these results indicate because potentially important pesticide compounds were not included in the assessment. Human-health benchmarks were much less frequently exceeded, and during 2002−2011, only one agricultural stream and no urban or mixed-land-use streams exceeded human-health benchmarks for any of the measured pesticides. Widespread trends in pesticide concentrations, some downward and some upward, occurred in response to shifts in use patterns primarily driven by regulatory changes and introductions of new pesticides.

Heftiger Artenschwund in Europas Gewässern

Die EU-Kommission meldet "alarmierende Verlustzahlen" für Tier- und Pflanzenarten in Europa. Besonders schlecht steht es demnach um die Süßwasserfische sowie Schnecken, Muscheln und andere Weichtiere. Die Zahlen zeigten, "dass die europäischen Süßwasserökosysteme in der Tat ernsthaft bedroht sind und dringend Erhaltungsmaßnahmen erforderlich sind", warnte Annabelle Cuttelod von der Weltnaturschutzunion (IUCN), die jährlich die Rote Liste der gefährdeten Arten veröffentlicht. Für die europäische Ausgabe wurde den Angaben zufolge mit rund 6000 Arten ein "erheblicher Teil" der in Europa heimischen Fauna und Flora untersucht.In der Roten Liste sind 37 Prozent der Süßwasserfische als "gefährdet", "stark gefährdet" oder "vom Aussterben bedroht" eingestuft. Bei den in Flüssen und Seen lebenden Weichtieren sind es sogar 44 Prozent. Besonders stark betroffen ist beispielsweise der Stör: Sieben der acht europäischen Arten sind demnach "stark gefährdet". Des Weiteren gelten 23 Prozent der Amphibien und 19 Prozent der Reptilien als gefährdet. Jede fünfte an Land lebende Weichtierart ist den Daten zufolge bedroht, ebenso 15 Prozent der Säugetierarten und 13 Prozent der Vögel. Rund 26 Prozent der Gefäßpflanzen - das sind alle Pflanzen außer den Moosen - werden auf der aktuellen Roten Liste ebenfalls als bedroht eingestuft.

Finnish water fowl populations plummet

The populations of most types of Finnish water fowl have been declining steadily and aggressively for many years, a new study shows. The results of the study, conducted by the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (RKTL) and the Finnish Museum of Natural History, were published in the European Journal of Wildlife Research. Species of water bird whose numbers are swiftly dwindling include the widgeon (Anas penelope), the northern pintail (Anas acuta), the garganey (Anas querquedula), the tufted duck (Aythya fuligula), the pochard (Aythya ferina) and the coot (Fulica atra). Researchers say the drops are due to changes in the birds’ habitat; feeding becomes difficult for water fowl in hypertrophic or polluted waters. The research centre calls the population depletion a ”mystery,” since extra nutrients in the waters should make it easier for birds to feed. Shifts in the food chain may also affect the nutritional intake of young fowls, and small mammalian predators or other birds can eat the young of other species or destroy their nests.

Het Ctgb in Wageningen plaatst zich boven onze volksvertegenwoordiging

Na een publicatie in Nature in juli 2014 heeft staatssecretaris Dijksma van Economische Zaken direct aan het College voor de toelating van gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden (Ctgb) gevraagd om te reageren op het onderzoek en te bezien of er consequenties zijn voor de toelating van imidacloprid. Een dergelijk verzoek aan het Ctgb is te beschouwen als de eerste stap in een 'regulier traject' voor nationaal ingrijpen in de toelating van een gewasbeschermingsmiddel. Wanneer zich in de toekomst een vergelijkbaar geval voordoet, zal Dijksma het Ctgb zal opnieuw vragen te beoordelen of ingrijpen in de toelating tot de mogelijkheden behoort. Dat schrijft de staatssecretaris aan de Tweede Kamer.

A multi-year field study to evaluate the environmental fate and agronomic effects of insecticide mixtures

A mixture of insecticides used in corn production was monitored over a three-year period in a field study to determine how long each persists in the environment, where each insecticide travels within the corn field, and the efficacy of using soil-applied insecticides with genetically modified corn. The genetically modified corn contained the insecticidal Cry1Ab and Cry3Bb1 proteins (Bt corn) and the Cry1Ab protein was found to persist only during the corn growing season in soil, runoffwater, and runoff sediment with highest concentrations measured during pollination. Very low concentrations of Cry1Ab proteins were measured in soil collected in the non-Bt corn field, and no Cry1Ab proteins were detected in shallow groundwater or soil pore water. Clothianidin, a neonicotinoid insecticide used as a seed coating, was detected in all matrices and remained persistent throughout the year in soil pore water. Tefluthrin, a pyrethroid insecticide applied at planting to control corn rootworm larvae (Diabrotica spp., Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) populations, was consistently detected in soil, runoff water, and runoff sediment during the corn growing season, but was not detected in groundwater or soil pore water. Tefluthrin did not have an effect on root damage from corn rootworm larvae feeding to Bt corn, but did prevent damage to non-Bt corn. A slight reduction in grain yield was observed in the non-Bt, no tefluthrin treatment when compared to all other treatments, but no significant difference in grain yield was observed among Bt corn treatments regardless of soil insecticide application. In the current study, the use of tefluthrin on Bt corn did not significantly affect crop damage or yield, and tefluthrin may travel off-site in runoff water and sediment.