The iconic Turtle Dove is now considered to be the UK’s most threatened farmland bird

Turtle Doves (Streptopelia turtur) are now the UK’s most threatened farmland bird, according to official figures. Turtle Dove populations fell by 21% between 2009 and 2010. Numbers have been falling since the 1970s, and it is now estimated there are only seven Turtle Doves for every 100 there were in 1970; a decline even greater than other struggling farmland species such as Tree Sparrows Passer montanus and Corn Buntings Miliaria calandra. As well as Turtle Doves, other farmland species whose decline are causing concern for conservationists include Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris, Yellow Wagtails Motacilla flava, Lapwings Vanellus vanellus and Greenfinches Carduelis chloris. Greenfinch numbers are falling due to the disease trichomoniasis.

British Birds, 30 November 2011…