Bayer CropScience is disappointed with the European Commission's draconian proposal to suspend all uses of neonicotinoids products in crops attractive to bees for two years

The company believes that the Commission's overly conservative interpretation of the precautionary principle is a missed opportunity to achieve a fair and proportional solution. Bayer CropScience shares the concerns surrounding bee health and has been investing heavily in research to minimize the impact of crop protection products on bees and in extensive stewardship measures supporting the responsible and proper use of its products. The company continues to believe in the responsible use of neonicotinoid-containing products which have been used for many years and are vital to European farmers. Bayer CropScience asks the Member States to adhere to the principles of proportionality when addressing the Commission's proposal and refer back to solid science before taking any measures. Any disproportionate action would jeopardize the competitiveness of European agriculture and finally lead to higher costs for food, feed, fiber and renewable raw materials and have an enormous economic impact throughout the whole food chain.

Source: 4 Traders, 4 February 2013…

Henk Tennekes

Mon, 04/02/2013 - 18:03

On 28 November 2012, I presented a lecture on the risks of neonicotinoid insecticides at the 12th Fresenius Ecotoxicology conference in Mainz, Germany. The lecture, which was attended by Bayer CropScience employees, provides compelling evidence that the use of imipdacloprid is associated with an unacceptable risk for honey bees. Bayer CropScience has so far ignored this evidence. If the company wishes to refer back to solid science before any measures are taken, as they indicate in their press release, may I invite the company to respond now.