Beleid en debat

Children from rural areas exposed to pesticides demonstrated significant DNA damage

A study investigated whether cytogenetic damage increased through prolonged pesticide exposure in n = 117 children, aged 7-11 years, living in rural areas of intensive agriculture; controls being n = 87 children from an agri-tourism region without pesticide exposure. DNA Single-Strand Breaks (SSB) were detected by the Comet assay in whole fresh blood samples together with ‘formamidopyrimidine DNA-glycosylase (FPG)-sensitive sites' with the bacterial FPG protein in isolated lymphocytes. Micronuclei (MN) levels were measured by the cytokinesis-block MN assay. Acetylcholinoesterase (AChE) and Pseudocholinesterase (PChE) activities were used as biomarkers of exposure. Subjects exposed to pesticides had significantly higher AChE and PChE activities than controls, although average levels were well below the biological exposure limit. In addition, those exposed to pesticides had significantly higher levels of steady-state FPG sites and SSB levels (p < 0.001), as well as MN levels. A positive correlation was found between PChE activity and FPG-sensitive sites and also between MN levels and FPG-sensitive sites, (both p < 0.01). In conclusion, despite the relatively low pesticide exposures in the test group of children, significant biological/developmental effects were detected.

De grutto krijgt geen extra bescherming in het nieuwe landbouwbeleid

Al tientallen jaren gaat het aantal boerenlandvogels alarmerend hard achteruit. De afgelopen 30 jaar zijn de aantallen meer dan gehalveerd. Deze cijfers tonen aan dat er een flinke verandering nodig is in de agrarische bedrijfsvoering. In het kader van de vergroening van het nieuwe EU-landbouwbeleid zouden er zogenoemde Ecologische Focusgebieden moeten komen. Hierdoor zou op bedrijfsniveau 5% van het areaal akkerbouwgrond uit productie genomen moeten worden en een ecologische focus moeten krijgen. Daar is de LTO het niet mee eens. Namens LTO Nederland heeft Jaap Haanstra een beroep gedaan op staatssecretaris Sharon Dijksma (EZ) en de Tweede Kamer om de uitvoering van zogenoemde ‘Ecologische focusgebieden’ zo aan te pakken, dat geen grond braak komt te liggen. Afgelopen vrijdag stuurde staatssecretaris Dijksma haar langverwachte brief naar de Tweede Kamer over de manier waarop Nederland het nieuwe landbouwbeleid (GLB) gaat invullen.

De keerzijde van antibioticamisbruik in de veeteelt - een verpleeghuis in Geertruidenberg kampt met een uitbraak van multiresistente Klebsiella pneumoniae

Verpleeghuis De Riethorst in Geertruidenberg kampt met een uitbraak van multiresistente Klebsiella pneumoniae. Vijf besmette patiënten liggen momenteel in quarantaine. Artsen maken zich ernstige zorgen over het opduiken van de bacterie. Volgens arts-microbioloog Jan Kluytmans wordt het probleem onderschat. 'Dit is een situatie die we nog niet eerder zijn tegengekomen, en waar we natuurlijk zorgen over hebben', zegt Jan Kluytmans, bijzonder hoogleraar microbiologie en infectiepreventie aan het VUmc, in Brandpunt. In Amerika kampen sommige ziekenhuizen met vergaande verspreiding van de bacterie, weet Kluytmans. Dat zou jaarlijks leiden tot tienduizenden doden.

Some of Scotland's most popular birds are suffering a severe drop in numbers, a study has revealed

Scientists from the RSPB, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and Natural Research have revealed the startling decline in bird populations in the State of UK Birds 2013 report. The mountain species dotterel (Charadrius morinellus), one of the rarest breeds in Britain – with two-thirds living in the Cairngorms – has declined by about 40 per cent in just over a decade. The results found that the estimated number of dotterels had fallen from 630 breeding males in 1999, to just 423 breeding males in 2011, continuing a longer-term decline since the first survey in 1987-88, which estimated the number of breeding males at 981. Other declines of population include the lapwing, a bird of farmland and wetland which has endured a 41 per cent population decline since 1995. The snipe, a wetland bird, has seen its breeding range shrunk by 31 per cent over the last 40 years. The population of grey partridge – another farmland bird – has declined by 53 per cent since 1995, while the corn bunting population has declined by 34 per cent since 1995. The turtle dove, which is not native in Scotland, has suffered a 51 per cent decline in the rest of the UK over the last 40 years. Mark Eaton, of RSPB, said: “Scotland’s Highlands provide an important home for dotterel and the species’ presence offers a good indicator of the health of our mountain landscapes. To see such a significant drop in their numbers over the past three decades is deeply concerning.

The Disaster in the Making - 'Shocking' decline of UK countryside birds since the introduction of neonicotinoids

Some of Britain's most familiar countryside birds have plummeted in numbers since the 1990s, and some species have disappeared from parts of the UK, according to an authoritative annual report. Numbers of the farmland-dwelling grey partridge have halved since 1995, while the turtle dove has declined by 95%. The yellow wagtail, which inhabits farm and wetland, has declined by 45% over the same period. The State of the UK's Birds report, from the RSPB, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust and several UK government nature bodies, shows that of the UK's 107 most widespread and common breeding birds, 16 species have declined by more than a third since 1995, including the willow tit, starling, cuckoo, lapwing and wood warbler.

De samenzwering tegen de toxicoloog Henk Tennekes, die de oorzaak van de bijensterfte ophelderde

Bij het doornemen van literatuur over bestrijdingsmiddelen kwam de Nederlandse toxicoloog Henk Tennekes in 2009 een publicatie tegen van de Spaanse ecotoxicoloog Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, die beschreef hoe de giftigheid van neonicotinoide insecticiden voor geleedpotigen (arthropoden) afhankelijk was van de blootstellingstijd. Toen Tennekes deze gegevens nader analyseerde, werd hem duidelijk dat het verband tussen het blootstellingsniveau en de tijd die verstrijkt totdat de giftige werking tot uiting komt precies hetzelfde was als voor genotoxische (DNA-beschadigende) kankerverwekkende stoffen, de meest gevaarlijke stoffen die we kennen. Hij zag dat de tijd de werking van de neonicotinoiden versterkt: hoe langer de latente periode tot het optreden van sterfte van geleedpotigen, hoe minder je van het bestrijdingsmiddel nodig hebt. Tennekes publiceerde zijn ontdekking in juli 2010 in het vaktijdschrift Toxicology, in november 2010 gevolgd door zijn boek ‘Disaster in the Making’, waarin hij beschrijft hoe de toepassing van neonicotinoiden een voor onze ogen plaatsvindende milieuramp tot gevolg heeft. Het kostte hem zijn naam, zijn klanten en een berg geld. Luister naar de reportage op radio 1:

As many as one in six children has a neurodevelopmental disability, and scientists are finding links to pollution

Carlos Jusino grew up a typical kid in Harlem, rollerblading near the Hudson River, eating at the McDonald's on 145th Street and Broadway, hanging out with friends in his building. Also typical was the fact that many of Jusino's neighbors and family members, including his mother, had asthma. "When I was growing up, she went to the hospital about once a month for asthma," he says. Although he didn't know it at the time, more than 30 percent of the kids in Harlem have asthma, one of the highest rates in the country. Jusino's family was worried about the air quality around Harlem, but most of its attention was directed to a sewage treatment facility built in 1985 along the West Side Highway next to the Hudson, where a foul-smelling settling tank lay exposed. The plant galvanized the community, including a group of environmental justice activists known as the Sewage Seven. They sued the city and won a settlement in 1994 that helped establish air-monitoring stations around the plant.

De laatste tien jaar is de oppervlakte biologische landbouw in de EU met 500.000 ha gegroeid

De Europese Unie telt meer dan 186.000 biologische bedrijven die samen 9,6 miljoen ha grond of 5,4 % van de landbouwnuttige oppervlakte van de Europese Unie uitbaten. De jongste tien jaar is de oppervlakte biologische landbouw in de EU met 500.000 ha gegroeid. De meeste biologische bedrijven (83 %) en de meeste biologisch uitgebate landbouwoppervlakte (78 %) bevindt zich in de ‘oude’ EU-lidstaten die vóór 2004 lid waren van de Europese Unie. Oostenrijk is het land waar het aandeel van de oppervlakte biologische landbouw in de totale landbouwnuttige oppervlakte het grootst is, nl. 19 %. Het wordt gevolgd door Zweden met 15,7 % en Estland met 14,1 %. Langs de andere kant van de curve vinden we Groot-Brittannië en België, met 4 % van de totale oppervlakte die biologisch uitgebaat wordt, Frankrijk, Luxemburg en Nederland met 3 % en Ierland met slechts 1,1 %. Al deze cijfers blijken uit een rapport over de biologische landbouw dat dinsdag 12 november door de Europese Commissie werd gepubliceerd.

Commercial interest, political strategy and lobbying, not science, is what really counts for the biotech industry

The biotech sector often yells for “peer review” when the anti-GMO movement refers to analyses or research-based findings to state its case. Despite Professor Seralini publishing his research findings (rats fed on GMOs) that were critical of the health impacts of GMOs in an internationally renowned peer-reviewed journal in 2012, his methodology and findings were nevertheless subjected to sustained attacks by the sector. Personal smears came his way too (1). Now he finds that his paper has been retracted by the journal. Peer review or no peer review, it seems to matter little to the biotech sector when research findings have the potential to damage its interests. In any case, peer review is only for the sector's critics. It doesn't seem to apply much to it. For instance, in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists had continually warned regulators that GM crops could create unpredictable and hard to detect side effects, including allergies, toxin production, nutritional problems, and new diseases. They recommended that long-term studies were needed to fully assess the effect of GM foods on other crops, the ecosystem, and animal and human health, but these warnings were ignored (2).

Monsanto, the UK Government, EFSA and the EU Commission are joining forces in EU Court proceedings to prevent risky genetically engineered soybeans from being withdrawn from the food market

In March 2013, a group of non-governmental organisations filed a lawsuit at the Court of Justice of the European Union against an EU Commission decision allowing the use of Monsanto´s genetically engineered soybeans, Intacta, in food and feed (T-177/13-5). The complainants maintain that EFSA has not carried out the risk assessments for the genetically engineered soybean as legally required. Now Monsanto, the British Government, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are all joining forces in court to defend the right to import the transgenic soybeans. Intacta is a transgenic soybean similar to the controversial genetically engineered maize SmartStax. It produces an insecticide and is resistant to glyphosate herbicides (such as Roundup). Owned by Monsanto, it was authorised by the EU Commission for import and usage in food and feed in 2012. The lawsuit against this EU decision was filed by three non-profit-organisations, the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), Sambucus and Testbiotech. The complainants have the suppport of the Society for Ecological Research, the foundation Manfred-Hermsen-Stiftung for Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection, the Foundation on Future Farming and the German Family Farmers Association (ABL).