Search for Streptopelia turtur

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  1. Rote Liste der Brutvögel Deutschlands - Kategorie 3 – gefährdet

    Rote Liste der Brutvögel Deutschlands - Kategorie 3 – gefährdet

    1 comment

  2. Summer visitors to the UK top list of fastest-falling bird populations

    Summer visitors to the UK top list of fastest-falling bird populations

    1 comment

  3. Staggering decline of farmland birds in Wales and the Westcountry since the mid-1990s

    Staggering decline of farmland birds in Wales and the Westcountry since the mid-1990s

    1 comment

  4. Het gaat bar en barslecht met de tortelduiven in Nederland

    Het gaat bar en barslecht met de tortelduiven in Nederland

    1 comment

  5. British farmland birds population plummet by 11 per cent since the mid 1990s

    British farmland birds population plummet by 11 per cent since the mid 1990s

    1 comment

  6. Top ten of European birds in greatest decline from 1980 to 2005

    Top ten of European birds in greatest decline from 1980 to 2005

    1 comment

  7. Dramatische achteruitgang van broedvogelsoorten in landbouwgebieden van Klein-Brabant 1988-2001

    Dramatische achteruitgang van broedvogelsoorten in landbouwgebieden van Klein-Brabant 1988-2001

    1 comment

  8. Increased use of insecticides and declining bird species in Essex

    Increased use of insecticides and declining bird species in Essex

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