Search for Streptopelia turtur

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  1. The turtle dove is on the high road to extinction in Britain; it may be gone within a decade

    The turtle dove is on the high road to extinction in Britain; it may be gone within a decade

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  2. Het wordt stiller en stiller op het platteland

    Het wordt stiller en stiller op het platteland Henk Tennekes Fri, 07/12/2012 - 14:57 Permalink …

    1 comment

  3. Turtle dove numbers in Britain have dropped by a whopping 93% since 1970, the fastest decline of a bird towards extinction in British history

    Turtle dove numbers in Britain have dropped by a whopping 93% since 1970, the fastest decline of a bird towards extinction in British history

    1 comment

  4. De verdwijnende zomertortel: van algemene broedvogel tot Rode Lijst-soort

    De verdwijnende zomertortel: van algemene broedvogel tot Rode Lijst-soort

    1 comment

  5. Agrarisch natuurbeheer is een contradictio in terminis

    Agrarisch natuurbeheer is een contradictio in terminis

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  6. Complete UK extinction of the turtle dove as a breeding species is on the cards

    Complete UK extinction of the turtle dove as a breeding species is on the cards

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  7. Boerenlandvogels zagen sinds 1960 75% van hun broedpopulatie verdwijnen

    Boerenlandvogels zagen sinds 1960 75% van hun broedpopulatie verdwijnen

    1 comment

  8. Two icons of Christmas are telling us that wildlife is in crisis

    Two icons of Christmas are telling us that wildlife is in crisis

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  9. George Orwell (1944): "Those who really have to deal with nature have no cause to be in love with it"

    George Orwell (1944): "Those who really have to deal with nature have no cause to be in love with it"

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  10. The iconic Turtle Dove is now considered to be the UK’s most threatened farmland bird

    The iconic Turtle Dove is now considered to be the UK’s most threatened farmland bird

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