
Een causaal verband tussen inenting tegen de Mexicaanse griep en het optreden van narcolepsie is zeer plausibel

In 2009 werden in Nederland jonge kinderen gevaccineerd tegen de Mexicaanse griep. In het Mexicaanse-griepvaccin zit Thiomersal, een kwikverbinding die bedoeld is om schimmels en bacteriën de nek om te draaien. Het RIVM zegt in een rapport van 2009 dat Thiomersal geen probleem is. Het gebruik van antimicrobiële middelen in multi-doses vaccins, zoals het pandemisch vaccin, is volgens het RIVM nodig, en Thiomersal zou in deze gevallen de eerste keuze vanwege de effectiviteit en ervaring van de vele jaren die er met dit middel is.

Kalifornien: Wo kommen all die autistischen Kinder her?

Von 2001 bis 2015 hat sich die Zahl der autistischen Kinder an den öffentlichen Schulen des US-Bundesstaats Kalifornien versechseinhalbfacht. Woran liegt das? Impfgegner sagen: Es liegt an den Impfungen. Eine Studie verweist auf zusätzliche Umwelteinflüsse. Mehr als 90.000 Schüler in Kalifornien waren im Jahr 2015 Autisten. Noch im Jahr 2001 waren es lediglich rund 14.000. Dies zeigen die Daten des kalifornischen Bildungsministeriums (California Department of Education). Der beängstigende Anstieg von jährlich sieben Prozent und mehr wirft viele Fragen auf.

Living Near Agricultural Pesticides During Pregnancy Linked to Lower IQ for Salinas Valley Kids

Pregnant women living within one kilometer (0.62 miles) of fields where certain pesticides are applied have children who show a measurable decrease in IQ and verbal comprehension skills by the time they are seven years old, according to a new study by the Center for Environmental Research and Children’s Health at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health. The study team looked at 283 women and children from the agricultural Salinas Valley enrolled in the long-term Center for the Health of Mothers and Children in Salinas (CHAMACOS) study.

More studies on the human health effects of chronic neonic exposure are needed

Neonics have been found to affect mammalian nicotinic acetylcholine receptors nAChRs in a way that is similar to the effects of nicotine. These receptors are of critical importance to human brain function, especially during development and for memory, cognition, and behavior. A distinct aspect of neonic toxicity is the ability to bind to the most prominent subtype of nAChRs in mammals, the α4β2, which is found in the highest density in the thalamus.

Chronic exposure to imidacloprid may lead to infertility problems

This study was undertaken to explore relationships between level of imidacloprid in the serum and semen quality among men farmers in addition to investigating histopathological findings in treated mature male rats. Our research entailed two parts; firstly, human part done on farm workers (n=35) with age between (Mean ± SD 34.3±6.4) and healthy volunteers (n=25) their ages were (35.6±8.2) years old asked to provide semen and blood samples.

Exposure to neonicotinoids in early life may interfere with brain development

There is a growing concern that exposure to environmental chemicals in early life may interfere with brain development. In particular, neonicotinoid pesticides have drawn considerable attention. As a pesticide class, neonicotinoids are designed to overstimulate insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). These pesticides were previously thought to be relatively harmless to mammalian species because of their low binding affinities to mammalian nAChRs.

De Q-koorts cover-up van Gerda Verburg

Voormalig landbouwminister Gerda Verburg heeft bewust de ernst van de uitbraak van de Q-koorts epidemie, inmiddels acht jaar geleden, gebagatelliseerd. Dat zegt burgemeester Jan Boelhouwer van Gilze en Rijen die de ziekte zelf opliep. "Vooral door toedoen van Verburg heeft deze ziekte verschrikkelijk veel ellende kunnen veroorzaken.'' De burgemeester schaart zich daarmee in de rij kritikasters van overheidsaanpak Q-koorts. 'Minister Verburg wist veel meer dan ze zei.'

Glyphosate is associated with increased risk of chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s newly elected President Maithripala Sirisena announced last year that the import of the World’s most used herbicide glyphosate will be banned with immediate effect. The release of already imported stocks has also been stopped. Sirisena, a farmer and ex Health Minister, stated that glyphosate is responsible for the increasing number of chronic kidney disease (CKDu) patients in Sri Lanka and added that the move would protect the Sri Lankan farming community.

Report presents effects of pesticide exposure on children

"Kids are on the frontline in Minnesota," the Pesticide Action Network warns in a recently released report on the effects of children's exposure to pesticides. "Kids are more vulnerable to chemical exposure," Lex Horan of the Pesticide Action Network told a Park Rapids area audience this week. "They haven't developed the biological defense mechanisms. When kids are exposed at a critical moment of development it can have a lifelong effect." The report's review of government health trend data and recent academic research found: