
Op mondiaal niveau is door het gebruik van neonicotinoïden een voor insecten giftig landschap ontstaan

Zwitserse onderzoekers hebben 198 honingmonsters van lokale imkers op alle continenten van de wereld, uitgezonderd Antarctica, op de aanwezigheid van neonicotinoïde insecticiden onderzocht. In driekwart van de honing wereldwijd werden resten van ‘bijengif’ gevonden. Het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Science publiceerde gisteren het Zwitserse onderzoek. Nederlandse experts noemen de uitkomsten schokkend.

Neonicotinoid pesticides found in honey from every continent

Starting in 2012, a team led by Alex Aebi of the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, asked travelling colleagues, friends and relatives to bring back honey when they went abroad. In three years they amassed 198 samples from every continent except Antarctica, and tested them for neonicotinoids. They found that three-quarters of the samples contained at least one of the five neonicotinoid pesticides. Of those, nearly half contained between two and five different neonicotinoids.

Iowa’s dwindling bee population is part of a larger, frightening trend

Paulina Mena, an associate professor of biology, has been studying bees for over a decade, an obsession which stems from her undergraduate experiences at Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Chile. “I did my undergraduate degree in Chile, and decided to do bee stuff because Chile is a hot spot for bees. Bees like deserts; that is where they have diversified a bunch,” Mena said.

The historic disaster in regulatory toxicology: the adoption of the ADI concept

Henk Tennekes refers to last century’s fifties, wherein the Germans Hermann Druckrey (1904-1994) and his friend, Chemistry Nobel laureate (1939) Adolf Butenand (1903-1995), advocated in the international community for a risk-prevention policy of dose-effect research for all pesticides. They wanted to prevent irreversible effects of pesticides. On the other hand there was the French René Truhaut, who advocated for the acceptable daily intake as the risk-management strategy for pesticide allowance for practical use.

Honeybees under threat from pesticide use on oilseed rape

While previous research in the UK has suggested that bees do not feed on oilseed rape, a new study shows it is the most important nectar source to honeybees while it is in flower. This must now be considered in future discussions on neonicotinoid pesticides, which are widely used on oilseed rape. Matthew Pound and student collaborators from Northumbria University in the UK analysed pollen from samples of honey, which they took from different times of the year to assess the bees’ changing preferences.

Ook ervaren imkers hebben soms hoge bijensterfte

Imkers die in het postcodegebied 9500 (Stadskanaal) werken, hadden dit jaar dramatische bijenvolk verliezen. Zij hebben alle zeilen bij moeten zetten om weer over een respectabel aantal volken te kunnen beschikken. Daarvoor moesten zij investeren in nieuwe raszuivere koninginnen. Vanuit Wageningen Landbouwuniversiteit wordt al sinds jaar en dag imkers verteld dat zij de varoamijt moeten bestrijden.

Jean-Marc Bonmatin calls for a ban on neonicotinoid insecticides

Neonicotinoid pesticides pose severe threats to ecosystems worldwide, according to new information contained in an update to the world’s most comprehensive scientific review of the ecological impacts of systemic pesticides. The Task Force on Systemic Pesticides (TFSP) released the second edition of its Worldwide Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Systemic Pesticides on Biodiversity and Ecosystems today in Ottawa, Canada. It synthesizes more than 500 studies since 2014, including some industry-sponsored studies.

Jean-Marc Bonmatin pleit voor een verbod op de neonicotinoïden

Neonicotinoide pesticiden (neonics) vormen een grote bedreiging voor de ecosystemen wereldwijd. Dat blijkt opnieuw uit een geactualiseerde uitgave van ’s werelds meest uitgebreide wetenschappelijke evaluatie van de ecologische gevolgen van systemische pesticiden. De Task Force on Systemic Pesticides (TFSP) publiceerde in Ottowa, Canada de 2e editie van de Worldwide Integrated Assessment of the Effects of Systemic Pesticides on Biodiversity and Ecosystems. Het omvat meer dan 500 studies sinds 2014, waarvan ook enkele door de industrie gesponsorde studies.

Planting of neonicotinoid-coated corn raises honey bee mortality and sets back colony development

Worldwide occurrences of honey bee colony losses have raised concerns about bee health and the sustainability of pollination-dependent crops. While multiple causal factors have been identified, seed coating with insecticides of the neonicotinoid family has been the focus of much discussion and research. Nonetheless, few studies have investigated the impacts of these insecticides under field conditions or in commercial beekeeping operations.

Insektensterben muss gestoppt werden

Es kann keinen Zweifel mehr geben, dass das „Insektensterben“ von großer Tragweite ist, für die Landwirtschaft, für die Ökosysteme und die Biodiversität im Land, und nicht zuletzt für alle, die sich einen Frühling ohne Schmetterlinge nicht vorstellen können. Fakt ist ein Rückgang von Insekten und insektenfressenden Wirbeltieren in Deutschland. Als Hauptgrund für dieses „Verschwinden“ wird jeweils der Einsatz von systemischen Insektiziden vermutet. Diese Stoffe wirken auf das Nervensystem und somit auf den Orientierungssinn und das Verhalten von Insekten und anderen Gliedertieren.